Company Overview
Message from the CEO
SYNERGY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Inc was established in 2010, commencing business soon after, and opening its office in Shibuya-ku Uehara, Tokyo in 2013. Since our origins as an Investment Advisory and Agency Business, we have continued to broaden the base and scope of our business.
As of June 2016, the company is registered as a Type Ⅱ Financial Instruments Business and as of January 2018, we are registered as an Investment Management Business for Qualified Investors. In December 2021, a change of license was approved to become an Investment Management Business, and we continue to offer high-quality investment services in respect of a wide spectrum of financial instruments to meet the investment management needs of our investors.
Specifically, we have been relocating and increasing the office floor space while continuing to identify and provide high-quality financial products and tailored investment strategies to suit our client’s needs. Excellent client service remains at the forefront through the disclosure of investment information in a timely, transparent manner. We will also continue to retain reputable and appropriately qualified people in the relevant departments.
Our purpose is to contribute to the prosperity and well-being of people in local communities, Japan, and the world through asset management and innovation. The corporate philosophy is based on our ten pillars, including the "Spirit of Altruism" and "Ambidextrous Management", the latter underpinned by strong governance. The company is focused on legal compliance and corporate social responsibility (CSR); the creation of shared value (CSV) between society and the company; Diversity / Equality / Inclusion, and Gender Equality. With these values in mind, the company aspires to have the world's best, strongest, and newest investment management capabilities in the Japanese asset management industry. We strive to fulfill our various commitments to our stakeholders and shape the ideal form of an investment management company and its contribution to society.
December 2021
Akio Koyama
Chief Executive Officer
Akio Koyama
Akio Koyama is the CEO of SYNERGY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Inc (SCM). He also established Synergy Capital Management Holdings (a holding company of SCM) as a founder in 2013. Prior to his appointment as CEO of SCM in 2013, he started his career at The Industrial Bank of Japan in 1986. He later gained significant experience across the Asset Management, Investment Banking, and Fund Management divisions of global financial institutions in Japan including Cititrust & Banking Corporation, Citi Asset Management, Goldman Sachs Group, and Deutsche Bank.
Calligraphy Art by CEO Akio Koyama
Corporate Profile
【Head Office】 2-17-2, Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0064, JAPAN
【Tokyo Office】 Toko Yoyogi Uehara Pair City Annex 003, 3-43-1, Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 151-0064, Japan
TEL: +81-3-6804-9791 FAX: +81-3-6804-9792
Akio Koyama (Chief Executive Officer)
January 5, 2010
Business Activities
Financial Investment Business
-Investment Management Business
-Type II Financial Instruments Business
-Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Registration Number
Financial Instruments Business Operator
Director of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Financial Instruments Firms) No. 2367
JPY 50 million
Membership Associations
Japan Investment Advisers Association / Type II Financial Instruments Firms Association